Its that time of year to start believing in your ability, or at the very least begin to pursue a journey to enhance your ability with courage and strength.
Its that time of year to go outside your comfort zone. To quote Ellen Sirleaf “If your dreams don’t scare you, they are not big enough”, so dream big, go against the grain, be different and challenge yourself like never before, because “If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you” Fred Devito.
Age, gender, height and weight are just numbers. Its whats inside that really counts. Yes you may need to lose weight and get healthier, but you have to WANT it first. To start off with, get outside and walk getting those ideas flowing in your mind. When you have that goal, that idea and that ambition. Look after it, nurture it and feed it.
DNA PT can then help you realise that goal, making it more achievable and make that ambition a reality, AGAIN only if you really want it. A lot can be achieved in a year. As 2017 proved.
So dust off that winning feeling and begin to believe that you can still achieve so much, regardless of your current position. Remember never compare yourself to others. Your dream is unique to you.
So make it come true in 2018!